Wealthy Affiliate

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Best Way To Make Money Online

Best Way To Make Money Online
Endless confusion envelops the subject of the 'best way to make money online'. Trying to explain this through a simple definition is not as simple as it may sound. This is due to the SHEER AMOUNT of varying ways that you could make extra money online, as with the offline world.
Asking this question could be considered as vague as asking "how do I make money?". As there is so many different paths that you could follow. So, if you follow through the next few paragraphs, I am going to define the process which you will want to follow in order to build a solid starting point to success online. Sound fair?best-way-to-make-money-online-crop
So out of the gates, the core of your foundation...
(1) The Core Of Your Foundation To Online Success - Your Website
If you want success online, without me beating around the bush, you absolutely need your own WEBSITE. Often, people (myself included, in the beginning) slap together an online business without a website and end up jumping on the path to a very short lived online career. Grinding advertising on Facebook and other social networks, simply will not give you the results you require. You need a foundation for success online - YOU NEED A WEBSITE.
It is like being a race car driver, and expecting to get somewhere without wheels on your race car. It doesn't matter how good you are, how experienced you are, and it definitely doesn't matter how big your engine is, or how much gas you give your engine. You will never get off of the start line without wheels.
Now, it doesn't help you slap on any set of wheels, because a little way down the line, those wheels are going to break or the tires will blow and you will be back to square one. So spend time getting your research done to build your website. Don't try and rush this, as this core foundation will ultimately determine how far you get on your path to being successful online.
(2) Adding An Engine To Drive Your Wheels - The Content
Great, so we have a website, what's next? Creating content. Yip, content is what is going to drive a great deal of traffic to your website. It is going to get the wheels turning.
Content will drive traffic through SEO. It will grow your relationships with your visitors. And it will build YOUR BRAND, allowing for a long term online business.
What exactly do I mean by content? Well, this could be several things, from text, to discussions/ comments on your pages, to videos and audio files. Both search engines and PEOPLE are attracted to content rich websites.
Invest time in the quality of your content and buyers will naturally come.
(3) Where Do You Find The Best Information To Build Your Core Foundation - Website And Content?
Well, I am part of a community with over 300k people just like you and me. There are around the clock discussions, Q&A's, classrooms and video's that have assisted me in my steps to online success.
It's 100% FREE to join. You will have instant access and also receive 2 FREE WEBSITE's of your own to get you started on your journey to online success. There is a premium membership that you may want to look at later, but it just gives you so MUCH MORE.
To join, or for more info, please visit my website here.
Yeah, in my opinion, if it's not free, or free to try, I walk away, because it's most likely a SCAM. Keep this in mind through your online journey, It's saved me a lot of money and time.
(4) Lastly. Please - Do Not Push Yourself To A Point Of Information Overload!
I have done it before and I have seen it with friends. Take my word for it, THERE IS NO INSTANT ONLINE SUCCESS. What ever you do, it's going to take a bit of time. Rushing through it is only going to set you up for failure.
So I ask you... Please, take your time as you are starting your online business. Learn, understand and apply at a pace that is comfortable for you. And if you are not sure, ASK QUESTIONS. Don't struggle for hours on your own. Communities are here for support. We all have asked questions, and I can guarantee you that by asking those questions, it has sped up our process 10 fold.
In closing,
You will find far more detail on my website if you click here.
Thank you for reading my article and I look forward to hearing from you in the comments, Facebook, or on the community.

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